Friday, March 7th, 2025 at 9:06 PM
The new Spire has arrived, and it's deadlier than ever. Fight your way through infinite floors to earn points. Spend those points on powerful modifiers to defeat stronger monsters and earn rewards each month.
Here are some of the new things to expect in the Spire:
VIP Changes to Spire
Everyone may view the Spire immediately, including the available modifiers for March. But you will not be able to start clearing floors until Monday, March 10th at the daily reset. All players will start with +5k points to start the month off, due to starting a little bit later in the month.
For more details, check out the in-game tutorial, which gives a more detailed overview.
v43c NEO Bug Fixes & Beyond Ships
Monday, February 24th, 2025 at 8:48 PM
New Beyond Ships
Other Changes
Bug Fixes
v43b Continued NEO QoL Updates
Monday, February 10th, 2025 at 10:07 PM
and bug fixes...
v43 T11 Launch Day - What to Expect
Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 at 5:58 PM
On patch day at launch, you will immediately have access to several things:
Into the Beyond Questline This will unlock your initial set of T11 gear, which is required to fight the new monsters. The new combat system has all-new stats, so old gear won't work.
Gearsets You can create and customize multiple gearsets, and assign gearsets for fighting specific monsters. Assemble a gearset with gear from the questline, and use it to fight the new monsters.
Aether Monsters Found in the Aether zone on the Fight > Monsters page. You will need your T11 gear equipped in a gearset first.
Craft & Upgrade New Gear While the new questline will give you some balanced gear, you can craft more situational gear through several methods. Check out the Crafting page for specific details.
Craft T11 gear through:
Upgrade gear by:
Grow Your Stats
This is just the beginning! I'll be adding more content over the next few weeks, including:
I'm excited to get to work on these next big changes! So much of the game has felt stagnant for so long, and with this new NEO patch, things are finally unlocked to where they can be hugely improved.
Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the Aether!
v42 Prep - Swarm Updates
Tuesday, December 31st, 2024 at 8:35 PM
Progress on NEO continues! I have started working on the systems that touch combat, and the first thing I wanted to tackle was the Swarm.
For the next Swarm, the Swarm will no longer use your currently equipped gear to determine kills and rewards.
Instead, Swarm will use the "Power" system, identical to Incursions. This means no more gear swapping! I have also reworked how your individual Platinum contributions affect your vault rewards.
Before, individual contributions increased your lootcap. Because of the new Power system, there's no longer a lootcap, so instead your Platinum contributions will affect how much you're rewarded from the Swarm Event Level.
All players will get the full benefit of the first 200 levels of the Swarm. After that, you can get the benefit of an additional level of Swarm for every 500 Platinum you contribute. For example, if the Swarm hits Lv300, you will need to contribute 50k Platinum to take full advantage of the Swarm Level for your rewards. If you don't, you will only get 200 levels worth of rewards.
Keep in mind, the Swarm level isn't the only thing that affects your rewards. Your combat level, "Power" score, and Swarm reputation will also affect your rewards.
You can check out how the new system works by clicking 'Details' on the upcoming Swarm event. It may require a refresh to see the new info.
As always, let me know if things are confusing so I can help clarify!
After T11 has been fully released for about a month, the "Power" system will be reworked to include the power from your T11 gear. But until then, the Power system will only include the power from your T10 gear.
Thursday, September 12th, 2024 at 4:47 PM
The last major Beyond patch before the next content update -- T11! Work is still putting me underwater for a while, but once this patch looks good, I will be working on T11 as the next major patch to release.
Players have been soft-reset based on their distance.
You have gained fuel equal to what it would have taken to get back to your previous distance. You have also been compensated Renown based on your distance.
Thursday, June 20th, 2024 at 8:11 PM
After taking a closer look at the tweaked Renown changes today, it made sense to re-evaluate the most popular Renown buff - Midas.
The cost of Midas hasn't changed, but the effect it gives is now higher than it was before. These changes are effective immediately. Here are some sample comparison numbers of old -> new.
Lv10: 540% -> 540%
Lv11: 582% -> 610%
Lv12: 617% -> 673%
Lv13: 646% -> 730%
Lv14: 671% -> 783%
Thursday, June 20th, 2024 at 4:04 PM
New buffs for Corporations to spend their Fame on, geared toward Beyond.
Check them out in the Corporation > Buffs page!
As it currently stands, players who invest hard and have high distance maps aren't being proportionally rewarded to the effort and investment they have put in to the game.
This update will change that, as of the weekly reset.
As some examples, here are average distances with their old and new renown gains:
Distance -> Old Renown -> New Renown
200 -> 15k -> 19k
350 -> 21k -> 28k
500 -> 27k -> 36k
800 -> 38k -> 50k
Thursday, June 13th, 2024 at 9:09 PM
The second part of the Beyond patch is here! Thank you all for being so patient with me as I've had some very unexpected personal things to deal with.
Beyond now flows into the main game in the form of Renown and the appropriate buffs. Check out the details in the patch notes below.
Thursday, May 9th, 2024 at 9:18 PM
In order to accelerate a solution to the gold income problem, I'm breaking the ROI update into two parts. This first part will focus specifically on monsters by changing certain mobs into Gold Mobs (similar to Plat Mobs). The second part, which will take some more time, will be the incursion rework and additional room to invest in gold income there.
Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 8:46 PM
What's Next?
Beyond is in a MUCH more stable place than at launch, and players are flying to further distances and facing tougher enemies than anticipated!
As we look to what's next, I wanted to open up the floor to the community to see what you'd like to see next. Check out the Polls in-game (from the home page) and vote for what you want to see next! Polls are only open for a limited time, so make sure to vote soon!
Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 at 10:05 PM
Research Bay Changes to research bay efficiency! If this all sounds confusing, just consider it a net buff (it is).
Why? While mathematically sound, the process of stabilizing on other bays felt much worse. This change should keep stabilization as useful on each bay while maintaining the lower usefulness of higher-tier bays.
Other Changes Mostly bugfixes and quality of life improvements.
Monday, April 15th, 2024 at 6:27 PM
Nanofiber Changes Nanofiber is feeling like a BIG bottleneck. These changes will help alleviate that a bit.
Other Changes Mostly bugfixes and quality of life improvements.
v38 - BEYOND
Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 at 8:26 PM
And I am beyond excited. 🤓
I took the next few days off of work to focus 100% on responsive updates, tweaks, and improvements to the biggest patch Elethor has ever seen.
Over the next month or so, I will be working on a few core things:
Beyond that? 🤓
Monday, October 16th, 2023 at 7:37 PM
Mining density has been reworked away from a timer reducer and toward a resource multiplier. Effectively (and without considering lag), this means you will gain the same resources every day. This is due to the current "density-normalizing" that happens for things like Geodata and Buried Vault drop rates.
However, as many of you are aware, mining has been the target of some nasty lag lately as players are investing more heavily into their lasers and finding better and better fossils to speed up their mining efforts. This change will drastically alleviate the server load for mining, and as a net result, everyone should start netting more daily Omnium than before.
Global events will now rotate which global buff they give! Currently, this will be between Combat, Mining, and Companion exp buffs. In the future, we may add more (unique!) buffs to the rotation.
The next Swarm event will remain a Companion buff, and from there it will rotate randomly between the three buffs.
We are also keeping an eye on Companions as they approach Lv600. For several companion abilities, this is where abilities either are capped in effectiveness, or will become less effective. The balance team and I are actively looking into each ability to see where it can be tweaked and if certain abilities simply need to be capped. Expect an update here in the coming weeks.
The biggest update Elethor has ever seen is still massively underway. Without giving away too much, in the last couple weeks, I have written out the entire combat system as well as a flexible ship + module system that will be the basis for the entire patch. The balance team is already working with these numbers and helping to flesh out more content as I work on the other pieces of this update.
Expect more status updates and sneak peaks in the coming weeks!
Thursday, August 17th, 2023 at 4:41 PM
Monday, July 10th, 2023 at 3:52 PM
Fight off hordes of enemies in this global event. The more you kill, the more rewards you get. This will be the first of many global events, and will be a good test of the system.
Added a new category of cosmetic: Titles! These are displayed next to your name in chat and on your profile.
Titles cannot be purchased and can only be earned, and will be limited in both how many players can have them at a time, as well as how long they last.
The first two titles in the game are:
Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 at 7:37 PM
I appreciate all the feedback I've received in the last couple of days since the v33 release. The mining rework was by far the biggest patch I've ever done and there are a lot of variables that went into it. Obviously I missed the mark on some key pieces of the rework, so this patch is aimed at resolving those problems in a way that's beneficial for the playerbase as a whole.
Laser Changes
The cost scaling on lasers didn't properly take into account early- and mid-game players. I was more concerened about preventing runaway investments at the higher levels, but that ended up making early- and mid-game players suffer. These changes will bring cost scaling to a more reasonable baseline and also create more interesting choice as far as laser line selection.
When considering Preservation specifically, it became apparent that there wasn't a realistic situation where it was cheap enough for players to invest in and see benefits without eventually hitting infinite omninodes for the top players.
Omninode Changes
Omninodes can be incredibly exciting when you roll several Modifiers, or incredibly disappointing when the RNG isn't in your favor. These changes will hopefully bring Omninodes closer to the exciting end of the pendulum and away from disappointing.
Fossil Changes
Monday, February 13th, 2023 at 5:55 PM
As Elethor has developed and new systems have been added and refined, one system has always stuck out a bit as a sore thumb - Mining. Mining is a system that hasn't grown or adapted much as the game has grown, and the pains of that are now obvious. Most players are on Skasix, making it almost worthless, new systems require a hodgepodge of random ores, and there have been almost no new updates to Mining due to the precarious balance of the system.
Instead of trying to salvage the existing system, I instead re-imagined the system from the ground up. The goal was to incorporate existing elements of Mining (Masteries, Lasers, Companions) while shedding a lot of the deadweight from the previous couple years. My hope is that the new system accomplishes that quite well.
Mining Laser Changes
Prospector Changes
Wednesday, December 28th, 2022 at 4:53 PM
Cybernetics is an exciting new feature that allows you to invest into permanent power-ups for your character. This is part 1 of the release, which includes the first stage of the combat tree. The mining tree (which is not released yet) will be released at a later time.
In an effort to make VIP more beneficial for new players as well as established players, I'm making some tweaks and additions to the benefits that VIP gives.
The tradelock system has been changed once more. After receiving a lot of feedback from moderators and players both, the tradelock will now remain in effect until the completion of the Quest: Reclamation. Upon completion of this Quest, the tradelock will be automatically released, no longer requiring a moderator to release it.
This is a point in the game in which a new player has made considerable effort to reach and is still achievable within the first month of play if actively investing in and growing your account.
The Rules section of the game have also been updated to be a lot clearer on the actions that will be taken surrounding a Tradelock.
Monday, November 14th, 2022 at 4:37 PM
v30 - T10
Monday, October 31st, 2022 at 4:01 PM
Tier 10 has been released!
Explore the T10 questline to unlock 2 new dungeons. Earn Vibrant Energon from clearing dungeons, a necessary technology to craft stronger armor and weaponry.
Agony / Resistance There is a new stat pairing with T10: Agony and Agony Resistance. Monsters will have points of Agony and players can get Agony Resistance via T10 gear as well as injections. Here are some more details:
1.48 * 1.25 = 1.85
or a new 185% multikill buff.Additional changes with T10 include:
Drone and Drake have both received new Lv150 Companion Abilities. These abilities are quite powerful, but are also twice as expensive to level as the other abilities.
Whenever Antiquing procs on T10 monsters, you will get a T10 Antiquing Vault instead of a normal Antiquing Vault. This has an improved drop table. The old Antiquing Vault has been renamed to T9 Antiquing Vault and will drop for all non-T10 monsters. Moving forward, new tiers will get improved versions of Antiquing Vaults to reward players who fight the stronger mobs.
T10 Antiquing Vault Differences
I rewrote how combat actions are processed. The tldr is everyone will get perfect actions now, regardless of server lag. Here are some details:
Please report any bugs you notice. There are a lot of safeguards to prevent iffy behavior and I've done an insane amount of extensive testing, but 🍝 so please let me know if you see anything odd!
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022 at 9:00 PM
The daily boost multiplier was a way to sink gold and turn your Spire efforts into greater rewards. Unfortunately, it ended up souring the competitive leaderboard experience of Spire.
In light of this, the Spire Daily Boost will be removed on September 1st. Invested gold will be fully refunded.
Please Note The UI will show 'Vault Boost' language, but those changes will only apply after this month's reset has happened.
At the end of each month starting in October, players will gain 10 Spire Vaults for every 10k Points earned.
The Spire Vault drop table looks like this:
Each item is rolled separately, so it's entirely possible to get multiple drops (or 0 drops) from a single Vault.
A brand new Vault Boost will be unlocked on September 1st!
Leveling up your Vault Boost will give +1 Vaults earned per 10k Points.
Let's assume you earned 85k Spire Points: Lv0 Spire Vault Boost = 80 Spire Vaults Lv6 Spire Vault Boost = 80 (+48) Spire Vaults
v28 - SPIRE
Tuesday, July 5th, 2022 at 4:17 PM
We'll be testing out the Spire this first month and seeing how progression feels, where modifiers are at, and how rewards feel. Next month will most likely include changes to these things, so be sure to voice your thoughts and suggestions!
Tuesday, April 26th, 2022 at 4:35 PM
Recyclobot has a new boost! Invest your gold to level up your exchange rate for Points. Every level is a +1% exchange rate (items into Points) which means more delicious Points to turn into Platinum.
Also be sure to check out who has the best exchange rate in the rankings!
Why remove Stasis?
My original idea of Stasis was a cool way that players could go camping over the weekend or take a few days off and still keep their actions ticking. As the game has evolved, this has spiraled a bit out of control and gotten away from my original intent.
All that to say, Stasis isn't being removed from the game! Events and other things will now be able to hand out Stasis as a fun reward. It will just no longer be as freely handed out as it is now.
Friday, April 1st, 2022 at 3:44 PM
+20% Platinum bonus on all Credit purchases until Apr 10!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the first cosmetics competition. We'll absolutely do more in the future!
Big congratulations to the winners in each category as well! All winners are credited with their cosmetic in-game, have gotten their cosmetic for free, and gotten 4 weeks of VIP. In Bells' case, that added up to 16 weeks of VIP!
Go check them out on the cosmetics page to see them in action! Each cosmetic group will be available in the shop as a Limited offer for the next 4 weeks on Fridays!
Name Glow Winners
Name Color Winner
Name Emoji Winner
Chat Bubble Winners
A rework to the way Mastery gets trained.
New Item: Data Chip
Changes to Mastery Queue:
New Masteries
The first new buffs are a triplet of Incursion-only buffs.
In addition to the triplet, there are a series of 4 "infinite" corp buffs. The temporary cap on these has been set at 1k points.
Drake - Vicious Puncture
Removed the RNG and the chance to upgrade your Puncture level. Now applies a buff to your Puncture damage, multiplying it by 0.1% per ability level.
Drake - Barbed Lash
No longer affects armor, instead reduces monster's final True Damage by 0.125% per ability level.
Drone - Reveal Weakness
The ability functions the same, but now applies before multikill buffs.
Friday, January 28th, 2022 at 4:45 PM
Arguably the most long-overdo update for Elethor. Your patience has been rewarded! The new chat feature is here. The same base features are still there, but there are new features and the groundwork for even more features in the coming months!
The first stage of Cosmetics has arrived! There is much more to come. To get started, visit the Cosmetics page from the home page to view all cosmetics currently in game, as well as any that you own.
Want to unlock some cosmetics? Head over to the Shop tab from the home page to see currently purchaseable cosmetics. There will be more ways to unlock and earn cosmetics in the near future!
Coming soon, players will be able to buy and sell their Cosmetics on the market with other players.
As a celebration for the first stage of Cosmetics being released, we are holding a competition! For those of you who are a bit code-savvy, you can design your very own cosmetic! On February 15th, we will gather all the submissions and hold a poll where you can vote for your favorite. Winners get their cosmetic for free, credit as the designer in-game, as well as 4 weeks of VIP!
Check out the CodePen below for rules and a starter template to get going right away!
A new Shop currency that is earned by purchasing premium packages and also by spending Credits to extend your VIP! Use your Loyalty to purchase rewards in the Shop tab on the home page.
Tuesday, January 11th, 2022 at 4:26 PM
We are having our first-ever credit deal as part of celebrating the 1st Anniversary this month!
Empowerment has changed. The system has long been a thorn in the side of Elethor players, and it's high time the system gets changed to be more in line with the other systems in Elethor. Meaning less painful RNG.
There's a lot of mathy changes below, but the general gist can be summarized as:
The detailed changes are:
Friday, December 31st, 2021 at 5:35 PM
Elethor is 1 year old! It's been quite a journey and I have learned quite a lot. In celebration, I will be giving out some fun prizes over the course of the month.
v22 - TIER 9
Tuesday, December 7th, 2021 at 4:38 PM
Delve deeper into the Maw to unlock the secrets of the research facility and factory within. Create brand new gear and power it up with the technology you discover.
A bunch of big stuff in here, well worth the skim.
Tuesday, October 5th, 2021 at 3:20 PM
It has been brought to my attention several times that the drop tables for incursions...suck. They're imbalanced, noob-trappy and annoying to have to work out the math to know which incursion is better to run.
The ideal scenario is that it's always better to push to a higher level of incursion if you can. The rewards should scale up smoothly, and it should feel good to move up and kill more monsters.
In an effort to reach this ideal scenario, we are rebalancing the drop tables for all incursions. It will be too much to name every change, so please check out the drop tables in-game, but here is the gist:
In order to make Incursion drops smoother, we are also changing the duration that injections last. While you may notice that some injections have a lower duration than before, this is because you will get more of them from each incursion. Midas Touch, for example, used to give 600 actions of effect per injection. Now it will give 250. However, Midas Touch will now drop every reward tier, meaning that overall you will earn significantly more Midas Touch injections than before.
Once again, there are too many changes to list here, but the general gist is that:
Crafting injections has always been either a desperate play or a move for the rich. This was partially due to the cost, but also due to the fact that it made no sense to lose effect uptime for a tiny boost in effectiveness (2 Lv3 exp into 1 Lv4 is almost never worth it).
Now that injections scale more properly, this means we can also rebalance the way that injection crafting works. In general, instead of requiring 2>1 in order to level up an injection (2 Lv2 = 1 Lv3), the recipes will now be 1>1, with just a resource and Empty Injection cost. This will make it more worth it to upgrade your existing injections, and should also help stimulate the injection economy a bit more.
Tuesday, September 21st, 2021 at 3:40 PM
Now you can share the love with your fellow players by purchasing global effects! Get started by clicking 'Buy Global Boosts' in the effect dropdown in the top menu.
Currently there are 3 global boosts you can purchase. All active players (more than -10k actions) will get a specific number of actions that the effect is good for. Don't be afraid about missing out because you're offline, you'll always get the same amount of boost as everyone else!
Certain global effects also scale to certain players. For example, the Combat Exp boost will give a larger exp boost to low-level players than to high-level players. This will help new players catch up, as well as share the love with those who may need it the most!
All global effects also give the purchaser some much-earned Fame experience for giving such a lavish gift!
Gain temporary actions for being active! Buffer actions are actions that start ticking down only once your normal actions run out. Stay active during the day, and build up a buffer for extra actions at night!
The final mastery to increase your max multikill is finally here! Slayer scales your max multikill boost with the total number of monsters you have killed, which ties it into Compendium.
To get started training it, make sure you have Carnage V first, then go purchase it from the Skills tab! See your progress toward your next multikill from your Compendium tab.
In light of these changes, Hellfire injections have also been changed. Instead of increasing max multikill boost, they now instead give a multikill debuff, similar to how the Compendium multikill debuff works.
Tuesday, August 31st, 2021 at 3:36 PM
Companions are a new feature that let you permanently invest into your character! To view the in-game tutorials and see what there is to unlock, click on 'Character' at the bottom of your screen and see the Companions section.
The Basics
Companions will automatically gain 1 experience for every Combat action as long as they are still below their max level. All Companions start with a max level of 5, which gives you plenty of time to earn some initial Platinum.
There are 4 Companions released in this update. Every Companion has 3 passive abilities that automatically level and unlock as your Companion levels up. Each Companion also has 3 abilities that are much more powerful but are leveled up using Platinum.
Gain passive combat stats and gain multikill bonuses and lower monster multikill buff in combat.
Gain passive combat stats and weaken monsters as you are fighting them. Even stun monsters at higher levels, preventing them from attacking!
Gives passive economic boosts like gold and drop, as well as the ability to get massive drops and even roll on a new unique drop table.
Boost your ore gain, get a chance to find massive amounts of ore at once, and even unlock the ability to shorten the duration of your gathering timer!
Tuesday, June 1st, 2021 at 3:59 PM
T8 has been fully released! Start off in the 'Precipice of the Maw' questline to experience the story and start collecting new gear, equippable at Lv130.
Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 at 6:37 PM
Corporation Events
The people have spoken and Corp Events are the first feature to be introduced to Elethor after a poll!
The first event to be added is Charitable Giving, a weekly event that starts on Thursdays and ends on Saturdays. Donate items with your corp-mates to a good cause and get points in return! Getting more points gives you more Fame exp, and getting a high average across your whole corp gives everyone more Fame exp.
As you complete Corp Events, you get Fame exp. Fame is another skill that you train, similar to Combat or Mining. As you level up your Fame, you gain points that your Corp can spend on Corp-wide buffs.
Corporation Buffs
You can access this page in-game by opening your Corp window, then clicking the Buffs tab.
Injection Changes
Injections now require an Empty Injection to be crafted. Empty Injections are only dropped via incursions.
VIP Boosts
Tuesday, March 30th, 2021 at 4:19 PM
Energizement Locking
You can now lock energizement lines while rerolling! Simply click the "lock" icon next to the line you wish to keep and roll away!
Polls are a way for VIP players to make their opinion known on features that should or shouldn't be added to the game, as well as other things. Any player can see the results of closed polls by viewing the polls screen from the home page.
Polls will be used to focus development. The supermajority (tbd) of votes will determine specifics of features. This will be a good check to determine if I am on the right track with features and assuring that high-quality features are added to the game that players really want.
Mining Laser
New Masteries
Tuesday, March 16th, 2021 at 3:14 PM
MINING LASER Invest in the brand new mining laser to increase your ore output! To start, click the laser icon in your equipment window.
Hate reading patch notes? Use the in-game tutorial! Click your mining laser in your equipment, then click the ?
symbol in the top-right of the screen for a step-by-step walkthrough.
mining level / 20
, rounded down. So if your level is 67, you can equip 3 boosts.[?]
for an explanation.NEW
Friday, March 5th, 2021 at 9:10 PM
What a week! It would be an understatement to say the latest Empowerment patch has been controversial. I do my best to think through the implications of patches before they are released, but it's apparent that using my brain is not always sufficient. There are several things that have been brought to light with this latest patch, and I felt it fair to address them here.
The core problems of Empowerment are 1) ore, and 2) attack speed gains.
1. Mining Laser
The next patch will introduce a new item, the Mining Laser. The purpose of the mining laser is to increase your ore gain by increasing the base ore gain, purity, and density of the node you're gathering from. The mining laser will take gold to upgrade.
The purpose of the Mining Laser is to increase the number of ores in the game. One of the problems with Empowerment is the amount of ore needed to attempt an empowerment. This has increased the price of ores to the point that many players feel it's unnattainable for them to empower their gear without gathering all the ore themselves.
2. Attack Speed Rebalance
Each point of Speed a player gets is more effective than the previous point. No other stat in the game works this way. This is a scaling problem that was only made worse by Empowerment giving +10 speed on all items.
As an example, moving from 50->49 attack speed is a 2% increase in overall damage (on average). However, moving from 5->4 attack speed is a 20% increase in damage, and moving from 2->1 is a 100% increase in damage.
The attack speed formula will be rebalanced so that the scaling works similar to other stats in the game, while also letting players who empowered keep a benefit. That benefit, however, may look like a 50% increase in damage than other players (still sizeable!), rather than the 8-10x increase it is now.
I'll give more information on this as more information is available.
3. Balance Team
Being able to run patch ideas past a team of players who are heavily invested in the game can be invaluable. While obviously the end result is ultimately up to me (and I get to live with the end results), a lot of you have very good insight into how to properly balance a game. Insight that I am lacking.
The purpose of the Balance team will be to have healthy discussion around new game ideas and present good solutions to implementations of those ideas.
This will be a closed group with some rules:
If you feel you'd be a good fit for this team, or are interested, reach out to me! I'm looking for a small, solid group of players who can bounce ideas around.
4. Mod Team
A moderation team will help give me time to focus on code while they handle more community aspects. Answering questions for players, helping new players, and also handling players who are more troublesome. Not to say I won't still be hands-on, but I'll feel less pressure to constantly monitor Discord and in-game chat and will give me more time to focus on developing new features.
If you're interested in joining such a team, please reach out to @CaptainJack. They will be heading up the moderation team. Captain Jack has contributed heavily to make the wiki what it is, and has already invested a lot in helping players new to the game.
I know this is a lot, but hopefully it addresses several of the problems floating around and at least helps you know that I'm aware of them and am working towards solutions.
Any feedback or thoughts on this at all would be more than appreciated!
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 at 6:38 PM
The next level of gear progression is here! You can only begin empowering gear that has used up all of its reinforcement slots.
Each level past 10 also gives +1% All Stat. All Stat gives a percentage boost to Savagery, Fortitude, Pierce, Armor and Speed. The percentage boost is applied after all energizements have been applied, making it extremely strong.
However it's not all smooth sailing! As you get to higher empowerment levels, you have a lower chance of success, as well as a chance to lose the empowerment levels you already have!
VIP gives a +5% success bonus to empowerment, applied the same as reinforcements. So your 30% success rate turns into 35% with VIP!
Lvl 1/2/3
Lvl 4/5/6
Lvl 7/8/9
Lvl 10+
Empowering at each level costs gold, ore, and monster drops. The gold and ore costs are scaled by +0.1x per tier of gear you are empowering. So T5 gear costs 50% more gold and ore.
Monster drops are also required for empowering. Earlier tiers only require 1 monster drop, but starting at T6, the required items for each level are spread out across the tier. So while Level 3 empowerment might cost 200 Unhinged Jawbone, Level 4 will cost 200 Pierced Voicebox.
T7 (Level 115)
New T7 gear has been released! This includes a new weapon that really packs a punch. As this is the last tier in the Abyss, it will be crucial to upgrade this gear fully to reach into the Maw.
Tuesday, February 16th, 2021 at 2:19 AM
INCURSIONS Large masses of monsters roam the wastelands. Pair up with a few other explorers from your corporation and take out a pack of monsters. Earn big exclusive rewards!
REBALANCED REINFORCEMENTS Any reinforcements that give fewer than max stats have always been a bit of a noob trap. Although I've tried to balance the game to where you have choices on how you develop your gear, using sub-optimal reinforcements shouldn't be one of those choices. So to help remove this noob trap, I'm changing how high-success reinforcements work.
NOTICE: I will need to update these reinforcements manually after the patch lands, which will take about 1 hour. If you don't see the changes yet, it's because I'm not done.
Monday, January 25th, 2021 at 3:53 PM
COMPENDIUM Compendium is your own, personal collection of information on monsters. As you kill more monsters, you unlock Ranks (up to 3) that give you a better understanding of the monsters you fight through bonuses. Reaching Rank 3 for a monster also gives a multikill bonus!
Explore the Compendium by clicking it in the lower left-hand corner of your equipment window.
INJECTIONS This is a new craftable item that gives bonuses per action when injected.
T6 (Level 100)
TRUE DAMAGE At first glance, these changes make you stronger. That's true. They also make monsters stronger, so if you can no longer multikill as many monsters as before, don't worry! Your build may just need some tweaking.
Thursday, January 14th, 2021 at 6:07 PM
Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 at 4:59 PM
I'm going to be breaking up Abyss into two main patches. This is partially for balancing reasons and also so I can get the content out to you all faster. Abyss Part I is the content for T4 and T5.
Thursday, January 7th, 2021 at 9:52 PM
Monday, December 28th, 2020 at 10:04 PM
This is implemented differently than the roadmap I originally had planned, but I'm happy with it.
The biggest difference is that dungeons don't have boss monsters. I removed them because I figured it would be annoying to have to babysit your computer through a dungeon to see if you're even able to kill a boss. And if you're not, you might tweak one thing, then have to wait 7 more minutes to see if you can kill it again...repeat and repeat. Not fun.
Some dungeon monsters will still have the unique stats mentioned in the roadmap. Super high pierce, slow attack speed, etc. You'll have to unlock them and find out what there is!
Monday, December 14th, 2020 at 3:18 AM
Thursday, December 3rd, 2020 at 8:06 PM
Start by visiting the 'Quests' page on the 'Actions' dropdown.
From here, you can see quest lines in the sidebar that all have a varying number of steps in them to complete.
Clicking on a quest will show you all the steps in that quest line, as well as prerequisites.
Clicking on an available quest step will show you some flavor text, as well as tasks you need to complete to get rewards.
Some quests are also repeatable! These are either repeatable Daily, Weekly, or even Monthly. Repeatable quests reset all progress, no matter how far along you are, either midnight server time, Sundays, or on the 1st of a month.
Quests are a great way to progress your account, and future quests will help unlock new content or give exclusive items that can't be obtained other ways.
New combat masteries have been added!
You can purchase bonus actions for credits!
Tuesday, November 24th, 2020 at 7:42 PM
UPDATED RANKINGS I've changed the way I track actions pretty significantly. So the old rankings will disappear and it'll start counting from 0.
KILL TRACKER Kills on all monsters are now tracked and shown on the Rankings.
Tuesday, November 24th, 2020 at 2:49 AM
The reason I've made this a Premium item is because I want a way for a few items to circulate around, but not create an environment where players pass down entire sets of full gear when they hit a new tier. I'll keep a close eye on this and see if this starts to get out of hand. I may need to increase the price to limit item movement.
Friday, November 20th, 2020 at 9:56 PM
EFFECTS Combat effects are the newest way to power up in Elethor! Effects can add a slightly new angle to your playstyle, can beef up your power significantly, and can be practically required to take down certain kinds of mobs!
Effects are applied like reinforcements, and take up a reinforcement slot on your gear, so make sure you plan ahead!
PUNCTURE Puncture applies an additional (5 / 12 / 20 / 33)% of your damage every attack. Not only is this a huge boost in damage, but the damage applied by Puncture is also applied while ignoring the enemy's armor.
Expect more effects to come in the patches ahead!
GLOBAL DROP TABLES How can you get these powerful new effects on your gear, you might ask? You don't see it in the upgrade window?
Effects are applied via Essences that drop via the global drop table. This is a new set of drops that applies to all monsters. You have a tiny chance on every action (not kill!) to hit the global drop tables, which will house all sorts of items!
ITEM QUALITY TOOLTIPS Items will be highlighted with a color depending on how above-average it is.
The breakpoints are at +5 / 15 / 30 / 50 and 90.
ENERGIZEMENT REBALANCE Energizement lines now have a chance to fail when unlocking. The 3rd line is a bit cheaper.
NEW ENERGIZEMENT LINES New energizement lines on T2/T3 gear! These are a bit rarer to roll than other lines, but can be found on all gear.
Tuesday, November 17th, 2020 at 7:47 PM
4 * 1.5
Savagery.PATCH 2
Friday, November 13th, 2020 at 11:43 PM
Energizement is the next stage of gear progression beyond reinforcement! To get started, click the upgrade arrow on your favorite piece of gear to view the upgrade window. Beneath the reinforcement selector, you can now see an option for energizing!
Here's an example. Let's say you're rolling 2 lines on your nicely reinforced Rat Chestpiece.
You have the chance to roll a lot of T0 lines, which give 3% boosts to various stats or to damage. However, you also have the chance to roll T-1 (yes, tier negative one) lines that only give 1% boosts.
Now, you're ready to roll your Troatic Rifle, which is a T1 item. You can either roll 5% boosts (T1) or you can roll 3% boosts (T0), but because it's a higher tier item, you won't be able to get those trash 1% lines anymore.
Finally, there are some unique lines you can only get on certain pieces of gear.
Questions? Ask away!
Bugs? You know where to report them!
Wednesday, November 11th, 2020 at 7:44 PM